How Much Longer Can We keep Doing This?

According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Black women are three times more likely to experience intimate partner violence than white women.

Domestic violence is a widespread issue that affects individuals of all races, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds. However, statistics show that the Black community is disproportionately affected by domestic violence, and it’s time for it to stop. We gotta do better.

According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Black women are three times more likely to experience intimate partner violence than white women. Additionally, Black women are more likely to be killed by their partner than any other race of women. This is a f*cked up reality that has to stop being ignored; especially by Black men. We are dropping the ball as it pertains to protecting our women; even from ourselves.

There are many factors that contribute to the prevalence of domestic violence in the Black community. One of the most significant factors is systemic racism. Black people are disproportionately affected by poverty, lack of access to resources, and discrimination. These issues can lead to stress and frustration, which can manifest in violent behavior.

Another contributing factor is the normalization of violence within the Black community. Many Black individuals grew up in households where violence was the norm, (I certainly did) and they may not understand that it’s not acceptable behavior. Normalization of violence can lead to a cycle of abuse that is hard to break.

We can’t ignore the issue of toxic masculinity either. Plenty of Black men have been socialized to believe that violence is an acceptable way to assert their dominance and power. This mindset can lead to violence towards their partners, children, and other family members.

To fight domestic violence, we gotta address all these issues. We need to work to dismantle systemic racism and provide resources and support for Black individuals and families. We also need to work to change the narrative around violence and make it clear that it’s never acceptable behavior.

Additionally, we need to provide education and resources to help break the generational curse of abuse. This includes providing counseling and therapy for both the abuser and the victim. We also need to work to provide safe spaces and shelters for victims of domestic violence. Again, WE as Black men need to hold each other accountable for the protection of our women and children.

Ultimately, it’s up to ALL of us to take a stand against domestic violence in the Black community. We need to recognize that it’s a pervasive issue that affects all of us and work to create a world where everyone can feel safe and secure in their own homes. Together, we can create a better future for all Black folks, free from violence and abuse.

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