A Few Ways Plants Can Help With Mental Health

Plant care can be self care. Here are a few ways caring for plants can help support your mental wellness year round.

Let me start this off by saying that while plants may not be a cure all for mental health concerns, adding them to your daily routine may provide additional benefits for your overall wellbeing. If you are struggling with mental health concerns, it is important to seek professional support.

Lets look at some of the ways plants might help you to manage some of your mentals “issues”, like they do for me.

Reducing stress and anxiety: Studies have shown that being around plants can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. In my experience, I’ve learned this to be true. Research has shown that spending time in nature, including being around plants, can have a calming effect on the body and mind. Some studies have specifically focused on the effects of indoor plants on stress and anxiety levels, and have found that being around plants can reduce psychological and physiological stress. The reasons behind this effect are not fully understood, but it is thought that the natural patterns and colors of plants may have a soothing effect on the brain. Additionally, caring for plants can be a calming and grounding practice that promotes mindfulness and helps people focus on the present moment, which can also reduce stress and anxiety. While plants may not be a solution for all cases of stress and anxiety, incorporating them into your environment may provide an additional way to support your mental health and wellbeing.

Improving air quality: Plants can help purify the air by removing pollutants and increasing oxygen levels. They can also improve the air quality in indoor environments. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen as part of their natural photosynthesis process. In addition to producing oxygen, some plants have been found to effectively remove certain pollutants from the air, including formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. Improved air quality can help people feel more energized and focused. I have to mention that while plants can help improve air quality of your space, they may not be able to remove all pollutants from the air in sufficient amounts. Also, some plants can release allergenic compounds or produce mold if not properly cared for, so it’s important to choose plants that are a good fit for your indoor environment and maintain them properly.

Boosting mood: Studies have shown that being around plants can improve mood and increase feelings of happiness. Plants can provide a calming and relaxing atmosphere, which can help to reduce stress levels and improve mood. In general, being surrounded by nature and greenery can have a positive impact on your mood and mental health. So whether it’s through indoor plants, gardening, or spending time outdoors, incorporating nature into your daily routine can be a great way to improve your overall well-being.

Encourage Your Creativity: Having plants in your workspace or surrounding environment can boost creativity and improve cognitive function. Exposure to nature and greenery can enhance cognitive performance, boost your attention span, memory retention, and problem-solving abilities. Its been proven that folks working in a room with plants show higher levels of creativity than those who work in a room without plants. Overall, incorporating plants and nature into your workspace or surrounding environment can be a great way to boost creativity.

Providing a sense of purpose: Taking care of plants can definitely give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. When you care for plants, you are responsible for their well-being, and this can provide a sense of accomplishment as you watch them grow and thrive. Caring for plants requires consistent attention and effort, which can give you a sense of responsibility and purpose. Speaking for myself, I feel a sense of satisfaction when I see my plants flourish and thrive under my care. Many people find that caring for plants can be a calming and meditative experience that helps them to feel more grounded and centered.

Which leads us into the last example……

Enhancing mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and fully engaged with your surroundings, and caring for plants can help you get to that state of mind. Caring for plants can be a meditative practice that promotes mindfulness and will help you focus on what’s in front of you. In turn, doing so will help to calm your mind, and reduce your stress. Whether you have a few plants on your windowsill or a full garden outside, taking care of plants can be a meaningful and enjoyable way to help you stay present and engaged with the world around you.

In short, throwing plants into your environment can provide a variety of mental health benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to boosting mood and creativity. It definitely works for ya boy.

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