Top 10 Mistakes Beginner Plant Parents Make

Many new plant parents make common mistakes that can harm their plants, leading to frustration and discouragement. Here are the top ten mistakes beginner plant parents make and how to avoid them.

I cant stress enough how much plant care provides numerous benefits to our physical and mental health. However, for beginner, and experienced plant parents alike it can be challenge getting to know some of your plants. Many new plant parents make common mistakes that can harm their plants, leading to frustration and discouragement. In this article, I want to discuss the top ten mistakes beginner plant parents make and how to avoid them.


Watering your plants is essential, but overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues. Make sure you know your individual plant’s watering needs and avoid overwatering.

Not Enough Light

Plants require sunlight to survive and thrive. Make sure you place your plants in areas where they receive adequate sunlight, and consider using artificial lights if natural light is insufficient.

Wrong Soil Type

Different plants require different types of soil. Make sure you research the soil requirements for your plants and choose the appropriate soil type.

Not Pruning

Pruning is an essential aspect of plant care. It helps plants grow healthy and strong by removing dead or damaged parts. Make sure you learn how to prune your plants properly.

Using the Wrong Fertilizer

Using the wrong fertilizer can damage your plants. Make sure you choose the appropriate fertilizer for your plants, and avoid overfertilizing.

Not Understanding Humidity

Plants have different humidity requirements, and not understanding these requirements can harm your plants. Make sure you research your plant’s humidity needs and provide adequate humidity.

Ignoring Pests

Pests can quickly spread and harm your plants. Make sure you inspect your plants regularly and take action against pests as soon as possible.

Not Adjusting to the Seasons

Different plants have different seasonal requirements. Make sure you understand your plant’s seasonal needs and adjust your care accordingly.


Overcrowding your plants can lead to stunted growth and disease. Make sure you provide your plants with adequate space to grow.

Not Being Patient

Plants require time to grow and mature. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results, and make sure you’re patient with your plants.

In conclusion, being a plant parent requires knowledge and effort. However, it can be an incredibly rewarding and satisfying experience. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be able to create a healthy and thriving garden. Don’t be afraid to seek help or advice from experts and other plant parents. With time and practice, you’ll become a skilled and successful plant parent.

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